Basics SQL Query
From the below table - table name - Product
Product_ID | Product_Name | Product_Price | Product_Category | Expiry |
1 | Cumin Powder | 100 | Kitechen - Spices | 2023-07-18 |
2 | Turmeric Powder | 75 | Kitechen - Spices | 2023-08-15 |
3 | Coriander Powder | 55 | Kitechen - Spices | 2023-09-01 |
4 | Bathing Soap | 35 | Personal - Care | 2023-10-15 |
5 | Hair Conditionar | 100 | Personal - Care | 2023-12-30 |
6 | Face Wash | 65 | Personal - Care | 2023-11-19 |
7 | Tooth Paste | 75 | Personal - Care | 2023-10-18 |
Queries using top and order by clause
- List the top 3 products based on price higher to lower.
- List bottom 2 products based on price higher to lower.
- List the product details that expires before all other product.
- List the product details that expires at last.
- List top 5 product with their names sorted on alphabetical order.
Queries using where clause
- List the product details which belongs to Kitchen - Spices category
- List the products which are expiring after 2023-08-01.
- List the products whose price is below 70.
- List the product which costs between 60-80.
- List the product which are either Kitchen - Spices or Price is greater than 60.
Queries on wildcard search
- List the products whose name start with "C" and ends with "R".
- List the product whose name contains "Pow"
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